Join your colleagues from across Alberta and celebrate Conflict Resolution Day.
Add your event to our Events page (even if its a closed event we want to know it's happening)!
Here's a few other things you can do:
Add your event to our Events page (even if its a closed event we want to know it's happening)!
Here's a few other things you can do:
- NEW: Host a "Tea with Ted"! Have a small virtual gathering with colleagues, view one of our Ted Talks and facilitate a discussion afterwards. More info here.
- Deliver a workshop on conflict resolution. Alberta Conflict Resolution Day's committee has a 1.5 hour training presentation package you can use.
- Host an information booth at a mall, farmer's market, festival, workplace, school, or wherever you can reach a crowd.
- Celebrate your clients, members, or volunteers with an appreciation event.
- Partner with other practitioners or organizations in your community to host an event.
- Hold an Open House to feature your programs, offer testimonials from clients, have a brown bag lunch speaker, and/or demonstrate a mock mediation.
- Organize a flash mob like this group did.
- Host a movie or book club night. Pick a movie or book with a conflict theme and prepare a few questions for discussion afterward. For inspiration, check out the movie Bully.
- Spread the word on social media: start a conversation, share resources and events.
- Write an article for your local paper.
- Play a Conflict Resolution Game like the Empathy Toy
- Hold a contest: Art, poetry, t-shirt, video, poster? Choose a medium to engage your audience.
- Host a Twitter Chat. Find out how.
- Publish information about Conflict Resolution Day in your blog, website, newsletter, or magazine
- Add to your email signature. Add Conflict Resolution Day, the date, and a link to this website to your email signature
- Create promotional items such as t-shirts, mugs, or book marks to promote conflict resolution
- Posters! Post these up wherever they're allowed and encourage others to participate in events.
- Coordinate with your local library, art gallery, or museum to hold conflict resolution themed displays or events.
- Invite a speaker to address a topic in ADR, conflict resolution, or peace.
- Share a reading list or create a book display. Check out our reading list for some ideas.
“Almost all conflict is a result of violated expectations” Blaine Lee, author, The Power Principle
How To Resolve Interpersonal Conflicts in the Workplace – Liz Kislik Brené Brown on the Right Way to Argue at Work, article by Graham Winfrey published in Inc., Mar 26, 2015 Are You Setting Expectations for Employees in the Right Way? Forbes Coaches Council |